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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

AMU Maharashtra Campus delays | protest by SIO MNZ

Malegaon: Students Islamic Organisation of Maharashtra has protested against unnecessary delay in opening the special centre of Aligarh Muslim University in the state. The delay may give communal forces an opportunity to vitiate the atmosphere over the issue as they don’t want expansion of AMU.

“It is immense pleasure for us that Aligarh Muslim University has decided to open one of its esteemed campuses in Maharashtra. But unnecessary delay in its opening is making Maharashtra students highly frustrated. Saffron forces don’t want AMU open its campus in Maharashtra as AMU has become great iconic symbol of Muslim identity in India,” said Irshad Khan, Campus Secretary, SIO Maharashtra (North Zone).

The students body leader has urged AMU administration not to make any unnecessary delay in opening the campus as Maharashtra government has agreed to provide land. He even alleged that AMU administration seems to be politically misguided on the issue. “SIO feels that University is politically misguided on the issue. SIO demands that University should understand the seriousness of issue and take practical and firm action on it,” SIO leader said in a media statement.

SIO Maharashtra has demanded the University to urgently take serious initiative towards opening the campus, and it should urgently finalize the land which has been granted by Maharashtra Government.



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